7th Annual Conference
"Resilience Showcase 2022"

June 29-30, 2022



Two-Eyed Seeing

A Conversation with Daniel Goya

Daniel Goya is passionate about Two-Eyed Seeing. If this is a new concept for you (like it was for me), perhaps a definition will help. The concept was developed by Mi’kmaq Elder, Albert Marshall. He defines Two-Eyed Seeing as “…the realization that beneficial outcomes are much more likely in any given situation when we are willing to bring two or more perspectives into play,” For Daniel, this means viewing the world through an Indigenous lens with one eye (perspective), while the other eye sees through a Western lens.

This dual-lens focus allows Daniel to honor his host culture of Hawaii as he trains and advocates for understanding trauma and building resilience on the islands of Hawaii. Whether it is his legislative advocacy (such as introducing House bill SB2482 which establishes a temporary office of wellness and resilience within the office of the governor) or creating a traveling homeless preschool that follows Hawaii’s homeless population to help meet the needs of their children, Daniel has a passion for mobilizing the change that his islands need.

Serving a state that is actually a series of islands has its challenges. In his work throughout the state, Daniel has found that the rural and remote communities suffer the most – including less access to resources, fewer individuals to build support together, historical oppression, and more.

Why is Daniel so passionate about building resilience and pursuing trauma informed changes? Growing up Daniel experienced a challenged upbringing and had negative experiences with government systems. He shares that he lived at the intersection of CRI’s Four ACE Categories – Adverse Childhood Experiences, Adverse Cultural Exposures, Adverse Circuitry Expression, and Adverse Community Environments. However, there were also protective factors at play for Daniel. Primarily, he had non-relative adults who invested in his life. As a result, he became a teacher, youth pastor, leader, and now someone who is creating the very changes, policies, and programs that he needed as a child. This is his final frontier. Daniel is the perfect example of how High ACEs with High Support = High Resilience. A resilience level that he is implementing with Two Eyed Seeing to change his world. Join him at the 7th Annual Community Resilience Initiative Conference to learn how to change yours.

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