Resilience Strategies

Art of the Apology

Positive relationships build resilience that can mitigate trauma and toxic stress. But conflict in relationships can cause high levels of stress, which is trauma-inducing. An authentic apology can mend relationships, save jobs, and even overcome unconscious bias. This course identifies three essential elements of any effective apology. It will also help you understand how apologizing works in various situations.

Emotional Regulation Drills

Fire drills and active shooter drills are implemented in almost every K-12 school in the US. While both school shootings and fires are relatively rare, no one questions the value of proactive planning for school safety. Unfortunately, the more common acts that compromise safety go unaddressed. This mini course outlines a set of concrete strategies to recognize and respond to emotional dysregulation before it burgeons to more disruptive acts.

Restoring Love, Trust, and Safety

Broken trust is a barrier that has kept all of us from healing from past wounds. For individuals and groups to build mutually respectful relationships across racial and ethnic lines that honor and value each person’s humanity, we must heal from broken trust. In this mini course, you will learn strategies to foster resilience within families, organizations, or communities when trust has been fractured.

The Restoration Mat

The Restoration Mat is a powerful way to look at conflict management. This transformative resilience strategy allows members of a collective to address interpersonal conflict. The Restoration Mat strategy utilizes a multiple step process. The process engages individuals in a restorative practice that upholds the principles of emerging neuroscience.

Trauma Informed Instruction

Instructional decisions… apart from knowledge of content, planning skills, use of materials, human relations, and facilitation skills are those decisions a trainer can make to facilitate the learning for participants. Whether you are instructing children or adults, keep learners safe and connected through all aspects of instruction is critical. This session introduces CRI’s ECTcellence Approach, a powerful framework for making instructional decisions through the lens of trauma and resilience.

Trauma Informed Facilitation

One of the most sought-after skill is the skill of facilitation. Facilitation is a way of working with people that enables or empowers them to learn in the best possible way for both themselves and for the group. This session aims to equip participants with this dynamic skill. The Trauma-Informed Facilitation session is designed to allow everyone in a learning environment to feel safe enough to engage with the material, the facilitator, and other learners in the group.

Trauma Informed Leadership

Trauma Informed Leadership Introduction

Most trauma-informed training addresses trauma’s impact on the brain. However, emerging neuro- science suggests that it is the brain’s impact on trauma that is more foundational. We use the term “Neuro” to represent the complex interaction between cells in the brain and cells throughout the entire nervous system. This introduction explains how the brain’s predictive process contributes to the phenomena of trauma and resilience.

Neuro Mechanisms

Our brains don’t work the way we think they do. The magic of the brain is not found in the parts it is made of, but in the way those parts work together. We think we see the world and ourselves as we really are, but we miss quite a lot and inaccurately assume a great deal more. This session is about the brain and neural mechanisms the brain uses to help us navigate our world. This session serves as an essential foundation for the remainder of the series.

Neuro Collaboration

In the workplace, our brain is constantly determining whether someone is a “friend or foe”. Unfortunately, the brain defaults to foe in most cases. It can take leaders quite some time to move individuals from the foe to friend zone. Thankfully, the brain also has an innate ability to connect and collaborate. This session focuses on the key leadership skill of buffering the effect of the “foe feelings” by utilizing the brain’s collaboration mechanisms.

Neuro Learning

Cognitive scientists argue that we survive and thrive despite our mental shortcomings because we live in a rich culture of knowledge. Our brain’s ability to draw on information and expertise retrieved from the environment is paramount to learning. This session illustrates that the key to our learning lies in the people and things around us. Participants will experience a review of the latest research on cognitive science relevant to implementing strategies to reach diverse learners.

Neuro Communication

Communication is a key component of an effective leader. That’s where the four communication styles come in. The four communication styles categorize how people communicate. The problem is, if you only focus on someone’s communication style, you run the risk of missing the big picture. Understanding the neural mechanism that influences someone’s communication style instead of only focusing on the effect can help you better support your team members and help them communicate more effectively.

Neuro Insight

Empathy is described as the ability to perceive and relate to the thoughts, emotions, or experiences of others. However, science is clear that if we don’t understand the neural mechanism that underpin our own perception, thoughts, and emotions, we are in danger of misconstruing those of others. The consequences of this can lead to many unfortunate workplace and relational outcomes. Drawing on cutting-edge
neuroscience, this session sheds light on the skill of developing genuine insight into others.

Neuro Tasking

Daily life is full of small and large task that need to be accomplished. Cognitive scientists are continuing to
investigate how our brain converts billions of firing neurons into concrete plans to accomplish these tasks. Understanding this neural process can result in tremendous benefits. This session is an engaging introduction to the neuroscience of how we get things done and achieve our goals.

Neuro Accountability

Leaders are also responsible for creating a culture of accountability within their team. Accountability is an essential leadership skill. If any team member fails to meet their goals or organization’s expectations, it is up to the leader to hold that team member accountable. This session focuses on the science-based strategies of building compliance to organizational norms and expectations.

The Resilient Employee Series

The Science of Resilience

The workplace presents a different range of stressors to employees. This session describes resilience in the workplace and provides helpful tips about how people can be more resilient at work. It defines exactly what is meant by ‘resilience,’ describes examples of developing personal resilience, and explores ways to enhance contextual resilience.

Understanding Co-Worker Behavior

It’s easy to become angry when a co-worker begins to exhibit acting-out behavior. But in many cases disruptive, even explosive behavior stems from a lack of skills that may not be apparent at the time. This session will help you to become “curious instead of furious,” about the issues underlying co-worker behavior.

Addressing Trauma in the Workplace

Grounded in the latest emerging trauma and resilience science, CRI has developed an engaging set of strategies to address trauma. This training includes evidence-based
strategies to move beyond a focus on behavior to an understanding of what drives behavior. These strategies also help individuals begin to put emotional regulation, for ourselves and others, into practice.

Resilience in the Workplace

Understanding the Employee & Customers

Within organizations, there is little doubt that understanding employee and customer needs is at the core of successful organizations. However, understanding what is at the core of those needs is truly the difference maker. This session is about the role of the brain in determining those needs. A greater knowledge of the brain brings greater insight into both employees and customers.

Workplace Engagement Through Celebrations

Celebrations have been identified as powerful organizers of organization culture. The rituals and traditions of celebrations provide stability during times of stress and transition. Research indicates that when we celebrate the small things in daily life with intentionality and creativity, life with others is more meaningful. In this session, participants will learn to
design engaging workplace celebration strategies.

Increasing Safety with Words and Deeds

There is an adage that says, “people don’t care what you know until they know that you care”. The research is
clear, the support of a caring, affirming adult is one of the strongest precipitators of workplace safety. In this session, participants will learn to share intentional and creative affirmations to individuals throughout the organization.

Creating Workplace Regulation

Organizations are turning to apps such as Calm, Noom, and Headspace to help build employee resilience. However, apps can’t be responsive to the diversity of regulation needs with
the workplace. A workplace saturated with individuals that know how to regulate themselves and others is the key to well-being. In this session, participants will learn the strategies of effective regulation.

Building Resilience Through Accountability

There is nothing that destroys organizational culture like lack of
accountability. True accountability is about inspiring people to meet expectations in order to achieve the results the organization is working towards. In this session, participants will learn accountability building strategies for the workplace.

Cultivating a Learning Culture

If you want to create a resilient organization, learning about resilience needs to be a strategic imperative. A learning culture puts continuous development of knowledge and competence at the heart of everything an organization does. In this session, participants will learn to develop strategies to enable every
employee to continuously seek, share, and apply new knowledge and skills about resilience.

Resilience-Based Conflict Management for Organizations

All organizations face conflicts and grievances that must be restored. Teaching restoration skills to employees leads to a reduction in conflict and a reduction in stress. Restoration brings the best practices of resilience into the organization so
that these conflicts can be fully resolved at all levels. In this session, participants will learn resilience-based
conflict management strategies.

Signature Certification Courses

Course 1: Trauma-Informed Certification

Course 1 introduces CRI’s capacity-building framework for building resilience, KISS. Knowledge, Insight, Strategies and Structure describes our community’s learning and movement
from theory to practice and how to implement evidence-based strategies into action. The training includes three groups of topics: the NEAR sciences, a cluster of emerging scientific findings in the fields of Neuroscience, Epigenetics, ACE
Studies, and Resilience; Beneath Behavior, the critical transition from Knowledge to Insight; and ROLES, CRI’s signature training on Recognize, Observe, Label, Elect and Solve, core strategies that take us below the tip of the proverbial iceberg. The key objective is to provide information
about identifying and responding to trauma with evidence-based resilience strategies when working with an audience whose trauma history may not be known.

Course 2: Trauma- Supportive

Course 2 helps to transform your organization, classroom, or family through more than 30 resilience- based strategies. Using trauma- informed principles, the course teaches individuals to systematically create the positive environment that is essential to lasting success. The course includes strategies to:
• Build a positive culture in the
classroom, office, or the family
• Foster resilience through affirming
• Create effective regulation skills
• Deliver compassionate and
empowering discipline
• Teach others about their own
trauma and stress response
• Develop trauma-informed conflict
resolution skills

Attendee must have taken CRI’s Trauma-Informed Certification Course 1 as a prerequisite for this course.

Course 3: Trauma Practitioners

Neuroscience provides a new lens through which to view challenging and disruptive behavior. This information helps us to respond more compassionately to individuals that use adaptive strategies to cope with their experiences. This course is about compassionate and effective intervention strategies for challenging behavior. During this training for trauma practitioners, participants will learn the foundation of the trauma-informed approach to understanding and helping individuals with behavioral challenges. CRI’s Course 3
focuses on helping to teach the skills these individuals lack while resolving the problems that tend to precipitate challenging behavior.

Attendee must have taken CRI’s Trauma-Informed Certification Course 1 as a prerequisite for this course.

Workshop: Blueprint for Framing YOUR Community Initiative

How do we create a community-wide response to trauma? We already know to be effective and sustainable this movement must be community wide. Our research tells us individual resilience is certainly important, but without a community focus on resilience across all domains in which we live our lives, individual resilience may be challenged. This training focuses on the overarching shift to trauma-informed care at the broader community level, and how to get there. Let us help you shape your community’s plan for moving to a trauma-informed and resilient community, one based on help, hope and healing.

Attendee must have taken CRI’s Trauma-Informed Certification Course 1 as a prerequisite for this course.

CRI Training of Trainers

Certified Training of Trainers is available for the following CRI signature courses:

• Course 1: Trauma-Informed
• Course 2: Trauma-Supportive
• Course 3: Trauma-Practitioners

What is it?

The Training of Trainers (TOT) is designed to create a world conversant in emerging science and practice of trauma and resilience. In our interactive training program, participants learn to present the content to CRI’s signature courses with fidelity to science and adult learning methodology. These trainings are
provided by CRI Senior or Master Trainers and offered throughout the year in various locations and online in a virtual setting.

What is needed?

All that is needed is a desire to teach the content of CRI’s Signature Courses to individuals in your organization. Any
individual interested in becoming an Agency Affiliated Trainer must have attended the signature course as a participant and then attend the corresponding Training of Trainers Course.

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