Am I in the red zone? Free to download

Use this template to create your own hands-on tool for helping children, students, clients, partners, parents, teachers (OK, ALL of us!) to identify their brain state!  Free! Do not add the item to your cart, simply click here to download!




Use this template to create your own hands-on tool for helping children, students, clients, partners, parents, teachers (OK, ALL of us!) to identify their brain state!  FREE! Do not add the item to your cart, simply click here to download!

Free Download! Do not add the item to your cart, simply click the button below to download:

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Jim Sporleder, retired principal of Lincoln High School, used this green, yellow, red bulls-eye as a strategy to help students identify where they were in their brain states. This helped teach multiple skills, and it also modeled how to name, label and identify brain states. Our colleagues in Yolo County CA were so impressed with the stress “target”, that they created a template and offer it to anyone interested in this tool! Thank you, Yolo County!

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