We are a non-profit committed to helping communities and individuals heal from trauma by sharing science-based insights in order to promote and cultivate resilience. We believe what is predictable is preventable and that resilience trumps adversity.
At CRI, we believe in the beauty of learning. We also believe that you are never too old to learn something new! The CRI shop is filled with products for learning & teaching.
Community engagement is one of the pillars of CRI's work. Our goal is to empower communities and individuals through innovative resilience-based strategies.
Resilience is not something we are born with or learned overnight. Rather, we view resilience as an action, a verb. Building resilience begins with learning the science.

CRI offers an array of trainings, all of which utilize science-based insights to teach about brain science, the impact of trauma on the brain, and the importance of resilience.
Building community and encouraging resilience is done by partnering with schools, supporting teachers, engaging with parents, and collaborating with community members.

Our goal to empower communities and individuals through innovative resilience-focused strategies. Check out our resources for teaching and learning, such as games, posters, books, and more.

Register for Upcoming Training
Our community-building framework and 21 years’ experience in capacity building is the essence of what created the platform for the documentary Paper Tigers. From its beginning, CRI has focused on building community capacity to mitigate the effects of ACEs and build Resilience through collaborations and partnerships.
17 webinars
In 2023, we had 562 people nationwide attend our webinars.
29 courses
In 2023, we offered 29 courses, with a combination of live and on-demand courses.
27 in person trainings
In 2023, we had 1,523 people nationwide attend in person training.