Training of Trainers (ToT) is designed to teach participants how to replicate our trainings with emerging science in the practice of trauma and resilience. In our interactive training program, participants learn to present the content to CRI’s signature courses with faithfulness to science and adult learning methods.
Our Training of Trainers courses are led by CRI Senior or Master Trainers and offered throughout the year both virtually and in various locations.
“The course material changed my clinical practice. I recommend these courses and value the opportunity to share what I learned.”
“The training was phenomenal. Mr. Griffin is highly organized and knowledgeable. He encourages participants to absorb the material and present it in their own individual style geared toward the population they serve.”
“Because of the TOT, we now have 5 staff certified in Trauma-Informed Care. The content gives us a unique set of skills to work more effectively with clients who have been victimized from physical, mental, emotional, sexual, and spiritual abuse within our community.”
“I believe all of us truly felt ‘seen’ by Rick during our learning. It is very hard to create an authentic and captivating learning experience in an online format, but Rick was able to achieve that.”
All you need is a desire to teach the content of CRI’s Signature Courses to individuals in your organization. Any individual interested in becoming an Agency Affiliated Trainer must have attended the signature course as a participant and then attend the corresponding Training of Trainers Course.